Pastor Andy joined Pilgrim UMC in the summer of 2014. He has been a pastor since 2005. Pastor Andy and his wife Anne have four children.
Darcy Hallenbeck is our Administrative Assistant and our Hospitality Coordinator. Darcy and her husband, Mitch, have a daughter.
Roberta Pennock is our Director of Children’s Ministries. She leads a wonderful team of volunteers that serve our church through leading our Wednesday evening “Caravan” program, our summer VBS, Sunday School, and Childrens Church. Roberta and her husband, Denny, have three children.
Shirley Rennells is our Worship Leader. She leads the praise band and directs the choir for our worship services. Shirley and her husband, Al, have two children.
Bill McElroy is our custodian/building manager. He not only keeps things clean, but helps to make sure they continue to work! Bill and his wife Kathleen have four children.